Qoran, the book of DEATH !See the truth about islam and its message:
islam is barbaric, racist, sexist, and vain The five pilars of islam 95% of qoran is useless. islam has been the Religion of International Terrorism Since its Inception Terrorism: It has Everything to do with islam ! "allah" knows nothing about medicine: Fasting during Ramadan is bad for health ! "allah" knows nothing about medicine: islamic concept of "najjes" is stupid and unscientific! "allah" knows nothing about Astronomy: The Earth is not flat and the Moon is not a lamp. Being a "seyyed" means NOTHING ! (related to mohammad by a factor of 0.0000000000000000138) islam Contributes to Male Chauvanism and Violence Against Women. "In Fact Islam is Dead" By Javad Tabatabai Call to Moslems of the World Faith Freedom Foundation See more in the articles section. the following paragraph is from Iran Politics Club "the greatest Persian Traitor, Salman-e Farsi who was an Ex Mazdaki (First Communists in The World) & after Persian Shahanshah arrested & executed Mazdakis, he fled to Arabia & became Muhammad The Arab Prophet's Left Hand. Salman practically adapted all The Brotherly Loved Theories of Mazdakism to Islam, Salman was a major Theoretician of Islam. Salman established the political Ideology of Islam. Muhammad with the help of Salman, Ali (4th Khalifat of Rashedin) & Abu Bekr (1sth Khalifat of Rashedin) wrote the Quran & practically stole most verses from book of Mazdak, Mitraism (ancient Persian Religion), Bible, Tora, & even parts of Avesta the holy book of Zaratushtra Spitmata, The Persian Philosopher. The rest of Quran is basically creations of his delusional epileptic schizophrenic mind or his opportunist charlatanism & con artist behavior depending on daily opportunism in Arabia. What Salman did to Iran, no other Persian ever done to Iran! Salman is the number one Persian Traitor, an opportunist who sold Iran to Arabs for personal & political reasons." Contrary to the lies that akhoonds and islamists tell, Iranians did not give themselves up to the invading arabs easily. They did not want to be ruled by a mob of blood-thirsty desert nomads. The following list, is a non-exhaustive list of Iranians' uprisings against the invading
arabs. Click on each item to see historical evidence for that event. All content is in Persian. An excellent source about islam: Another excellent source about islam: |